I'm not sure whether Nick's pointed reminders to stay off the field made me more or less inclined to streak during my graduation. The ceremony certainly could have used a little spicing up, and it would have been pretty fun to moon John Sexton, and I dare say, Alec Baldwin (AKA Arec Barwin) might have appreciated it. Honestly, the weather was a sound deterrent for any potential monkey-business. By the end of commencement, my hands were so cold and wet I couldn't even bend my thumb to call my family about where we were going to meet up.
Anyway, this Sunday's forecast calls for sunny skies, 74 degrees, so it looks like A-Rod and his band of overpaid pinstriped cronies will come out to play. Let's hope the Twins do some damage.
Consider that loss Yankee hospitality...to oblige those vengeful Californians